Shine a Light on Savings: Why Buying a Home with Solar Panels is a Smart Move Now

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Shine a Light on Savings: Why Buying a Home with Solar Panels is a Smart Move Now

As energy costs continue to rise and concerns about the environment grow, more and more homeowners are turning to solar energy as a way to save money and reduce their carbon footprint. And while solar panels have been around for decades, it's only recently that we've seen a surge in interest in solar-powered homes. Here are just a few reasons why buying a home with solar panels makes sense right now.

Reducing Electricity Costs
One of the biggest benefits of solar panels is that they can help reduce your monthly electricity costs. As traditional energy prices continue to climb, owning a solar-powered home can mean significant savings over time. According to EnergySage, the average homeowner can expect to save between $10,000 and $30,000 over the lifetime of their solar panel system.

Increasing Cost of Labor and Installing Panels
Another factor that makes buying a solar-powered home a smart choice is the increasing cost of labor and installing panels. The cost of solar panel installation has come down significantly in recent years, but it still requires a significant investment. By purchasing a home with an existing solar panel system, you'll be able to take advantage of the cost savings without having to bear the upfront cost of installation.

Knowing Exactly How Much the System Will Produce
One of the unique benefits of purchasing a home with an existing solar panel system is that you'll know exactly how much energy the system will produce. With a new installation, it can be difficult to predict how much energy the system will generate, but with an existing system, you'll be able to look at historical data and make an informed decision about the value of the system.

Offsetting Your Electric Bill
In addition to knowing how much energy the system will produce, you'll also be able to calculate how much it will offset your electric bill. By generating your own electricity, you'll be able to reduce or even eliminate your monthly energy costs. And the savings from your electric bill can be used to pay more for the home, making the investment in a solar-powered home even more worthwhile.

In conclusion, buying a home with solar panels is a smart choice for anyone looking to save money and reduce their carbon footprint. With rising energy costs, increasing installation costs, and the ability to offset your electric bill, there's never been a better time to invest in a solar-powered home. By purchasing a home with an existing system, you'll be able to take advantage of these benefits without the upfront costs of installation. So if you're in the market for a new home, consider going solar!

Dec 3, 2020 For Buyers